Six tomatillos
Two poblano peppers
One large serrano chile
Three cloves garlic
Half of a large onion
Juice of one lime
Pinch of salt
(1) Remove husks from tomatillos, then boil them for 5-10 minutes until the skin on all has started to split.
(2) Remove tomatillos with a slotted spoon and peel skin. Cut into chunks.
(3) If you have a gas stove, roast each of the poblanos over a burner until skin is thouroughly charred. If you don't have a gas stove, do this in the broiler.
(4) When roasting is complete, put the poblanos in a closed plastic bag and allow them to sit in their own steam for about 10 minutes. This will make it easier for you to remove their skins. When skins are removed, slice poblanos into strips.
(5) Cut the serrano, garlic, and onions into chunks.
(6) Add all ingredients into a blender or food processor with the lime juice and a pinch of salt. Blend to desired consistency.
Cris I just want to say this is quite an impressive blog. Keep up the great work!
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